Scottish artists, Amy Laurenson and Gnoss, announced for Horizons stage at WOMEX 24

Gabhaidh WOMEX 24 àite ann am Manchester eadar 23-27 Dàmhair agus tha tiocaidean poblach gan reic an-dràsta

A woman with brown hair and a fringe, wearing printed flowing silky top. This is Amy Laurenson. A group of four men dressed in blues and blacks, standing together in a forest. These are the members of Gnoss.

Amy Laurenson (Dealbh le Euan Robertson), Gnoss (Dealbh le Elly Lucas).

An-diugh, tha Alba Chruthachail, com-pàirteachadh Horizons agus Manchester Music City air an luchd-ciùil a chluicheas air àrd-ùrlar Horizons aig WOMEX 24 ainmeachadh, nam measg Amy Laurenson agus Gnoss à Alba.

A’ gabhail àite am bliadhna ann am Manchester, bheir WOMEX 24, 2,600 à gnìomhachas ciùil à 90 dùthchannan eadar-dhealaichte don RA le rùn cruthachas is clàradh eadar-nàiseanta, agus cuairtean-ciùil is cothroman ciùil sanasachaidh, àrach agus adhartachadh.

Is e àrd-ùrlar Horizons cothrom taisbeanaidh a rinneadh gus fèill a dhèanamh air a’ cheòl eadar-dhealaichte a thig à Alba, Sasainn, a’ Chuimrigh, Èirinn a Tuath agus Èirinn - a’ cuideachadh gus am faigh luchd-ciùil le tàlann aithneachadh eadar-nàiseanta air beulaibh an t-saoghail. 


  • Amy Laurenson | Gnoss (Alba) 
  • Balimaya Project | Gwenifer Raymond (Sasainn)
  • Strange Boy (Èirinnn)
  • Córas Trio (Èirinn a Tuath) 
  • Cerys Hafana | N’famady Kouyaté (A’ Chuimrigh)
  • Rioghnach Connolly & Honeyfeet (Manchester)

Cluinnear clàr-ciùil de luchd-ciùil àrd-ùrlar Horizons air Spotify.

Amy Laurenson, tè-chluiche piàno à Sealtainn, a’ cleachdadh fuaimean clasaigeach Shealltainn leis an togadh i gus buaidh a thoirt air a cuid ciùil. Bidh Amy gu sgileil a’ snìomh ciùil traidiseanta agus dùthchasach à Alba, Èirinn agus an Lochlainn le fuaimean traidiseanta, clasaigeach agus jazz, agus sàr-chomas aice air a phiàno mar inneal-ciùil leis fhèin.

A woman with brown hair and a fringe, wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck top. This is Amy Laurenson.

Amy Laurenson (Dealbh le Euan Robertson).

Às dèidh dhith a ciad clàr, Strands, fhoillseachadh nas tràithe am-bliadhna, tha Amy air a bhith air chuairt tron RA, le a còmhlan a’ nochdadh aig fèilltean, Conservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba, Orcastra Simphnidh Albannach a’ BhBC agus a’ daingneachadh a cuid fuaim ann an raoin cultarach na h-Alba. 

Thuirt Amy: “Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan cothrom fhaighinn mo cheòl a nochdadh aig WOMEX, tachartas a tha cho cudromach ann an saoghail a’ chiùil eadar-nàiseanta. Còmhla ri Gnoss, ‘s e sochair mhòr a tha ann a bhith a’ riochdachadh Alba aig tachartas na bliadhna agus tha fadachd orm mo cheòl a thoirt gu Àrd-ùrlar Horizons còmhla ri Miguel Girão (giotàr), Gregor Black (faram) agus Rhona NicDhòmhnaill (beus dùbailte).”

Gnoss, còmhlan traidiseanta de cheathrar pìos à Arcaibh, le fhuaim fhèin ann an fillidhean fuamarra, le freumhan domhainn traidiseanta le liut cruthachaidh an là an-diugh. Tha an dòigh adhartach a thaobh ceòl traidiseanta agus am blàths sònraichte air an àrd-ùrlar gam fàgail gan ainmeachadh trì tursan airson nan Duaisean Ceòl Trad Albannach agus trì cuirmean làn-reicte aig Celtic Connections ann an Glaschu. 

Four men in t-shirts and jackets standing in front of a stone wall with a striking blue and white paint design, holding various traditional instruments. These are the members of Gnoss.

Gnoss (Dealbh le Elly Lucas).

Tha an treas clàr, Stretching Skyward, am fear as ùire aca, a toirt a-steach eileamaidean fuaim eileagtronaigeach ri taobh am freumhan fuamarra, a’ cruthachadh fuaim ùr agus iad air chuairt aig fèilltean RA agus Eòrpach.

Thuirt Siobhan Anderson, Oifigear Ciùil aig Alba Chruthachail: “Tha WOMEX a toirt cothrom air leth do luchd-ciùil ùra, comasach na h-Alba ceangal a dhèanamh le daoine a tha ag obair air feadh meud gnìomhachas ceòl an t-saoghail.

Le am freumhaichean ann an Arcaibh san Sealtainn, tha Gnoss agus Amy a’ tasgadh nan cleachdadh agus nan ùr-ghnàthachas a tha an cois ceòl na h-Alba. 

“Tha beartas de stuth tùsail aig Gnoss nan ceithir inneal-ciùil a chleachdas iad às na trì clàran ionmholta aca, agus tha Amy deiseil an dualchas ciùil a nochdadh a choisinn dhith duais Neach-ciùil Traidiseanta Òg BBC Radio Alba na bliadhna ann an 2023.

“Tha Alba Chruthachail air leth moiteil a bhith na pàirt de chom-pàirteachas Horizons, ag obair còmhla ris an samhail de bhuidhnean san RA agus Èirinn gus an luchd-ciùil òga sin a chuideachadh luchd-èisteachd ùra a ruighinn agus tòiseachadh air an ath earrainn den chuairt aca.”

A bharrachd air luchd-ciùil àrd-ùrlar Horizons, chaidh tuilleadh luchd-ciùil a nochdadh, le 33 luchd/còmhlan-ciùil à 35 dùthchannan deiseil seinn ma choinneamh luchd-èisteachd agus tàlann air leth luchd-ciùil ùra agus ainmeil a nochdadh. Gheibhear làn-liosta den luchd-ciùil oifigeil a chluicheas air làrach-lìn WOMEX.

Thuirt an t-Oll Claire Mera-Nelson, Stiùiriche Ciùil aig Comhairle Ealain Shasainn: “Às leth com-pàirteachais Horizons, tha sinn air ar dòigh glan an naoinear luchd-ciùil ainmeachadh a chluicheas air Àrd-ùrlar Horizons aig WOMEX na bliadhna. Thairis air na 10 bliadhna a chaidh seachad tha com-pàirtichean Horizons air tighinn còmhla gus an nochd sinn a’ chuid as fheàrr den bheartas de cheòl na RA agus Èirinn do luchd-ciùil eile is proifeiseantach a’ ghnìomhachais bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha sinn air bhioran a bhith ag obair còmhla ri ar com-pàirtiche aoigheachd Manchester Music City gus ainm eadar-nàiseanta fhaighinn do na h-uiread de luchd-ciùil comasach nan sgìrean againn."

Fios do Luchd-deasachaidh

Tha com-pàirteachas Horizons a’ faighinn taic bho Comhairle Ealain Shasainn, Cultar Èireann, Comhairle Ealain Èirinn a Tuath, An Crannchur Nàiseanta tro Alba Chruthachail, Ealain na Cuimrigh Eadar-nàiseanta, Comhairle Ealain na Cuimrigh, Comhairle Bhreatainn agus British Underground.

Is e Manchester Music City an com-pàirtiche aoigheil ionadail do WOMEX 2024.

A thaobh WOMEX 2024, is iad na prìomh bhuidhnean MMC Comhairle Baile Manchester, Brighter Sound, English Folk Expo agus Marketing Manchester, ag obair còmhla ri Piranha Arts, Horizons, Comhairle Bhreatainn, Black Lives in Music, Attitude is Everything agus Young Manchester. Le taic bho Comhairle Ealain Shasainn, Roinn a' Chultair, nam Meadhanan agus Spòrs (DCMS), Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), Manchester Airport Group agus Contact.

’S e Alba Chruthachail a’ bhuidheann phoblach a bheir taic do na gnìomhachasan ealain, sgrìn agus cultarach air feadh gach pàirt de dh’Alba, a’ sgaoileadh maoineachadh air a thoirt seachad le Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus leis a’ Chrannchur Nàiseanta. Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh aig Lean sinn air XFacebook agus Instagram.  Ionnsaich barrachd mu luach ealain is cruthachalachd ann an Alba is thig còmhla rinn aig

Buidheachas airson an deilbh: 

Amy Laurenson (Dealbh le Euan Robertson)

Gnoss (Dealbh le Elly Lucas)

Neach-conaltraidh Mheadhanan

Jacqueline Rothach, Co-òrdanaiche Dàimh Meadhanan is PR (Eadar-amail)

[email protected] / [email protected]

+44 (0) 7967 822 266

Scottish artists, Amy Laurenson and Gnoss, announced for Horizons stage at WOMEX 24

A woman with brown hair and a fringe, wearing printed flowing silky top. This is Amy Laurenson. A group of four men dressed in blues and blacks, standing together in a forest. These are the members of Gnoss.

Amy Laurenson, credit Euan Robertson, Gnoss, Stretching Skyward, credit: Elly Lucas.

  • Scottish artists, Amy Laurenson and Gnoss, announced for Horizons stage at WOMEX 24
  • WOMEX 24 is taking place in Manchester from 23-27 October and public tickets are now on sale

Creative Scotland, the Horizons partnership and Manchester Music City have announced the artists who will be playing on the Horizons stage at WOMEX 24, including Scotland’s Amy Laurenson and Gnoss.

Taking place this year in Manchester, WOMEX 24 will bring 2,600 of the world’s music industry from 90 different countries to the UK with the aim of nurturing and promoting creativity and international recording, touring and promotional music opportunities.

The Horizons stage is a platform created to celebrate the diverse music that comes from Scotland, England, Cymru/Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland – helping talented artists gain international recognition on the world stage. 


  • Amy Laurenson | Gnoss (Scotland/Alba) 
  • Balimaya Project | Gwenifer Raymond (England)
  • Strange Boy (Ireland)
  • Córas Trio (Northern Ireland) 
  • Cerys Hafana | N’famady Kouyaté (Cymru/Wales)
  • Rioghnach Connolly & Honeyfeet (Manchester)

A playlist of the Horizons stage artists can be listened to on Spotify. 

Amy Laurenson is a pianist from the Shetland Isles, using the classical sounds of Shetland she grew up with to influence her style. Amy expertly weaves together traditional and folk music from Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia with traditional, classical and jazz soundscapes, commanding the piano as a solo instrument.

A woman with brown hair and a fringe, wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck top. This is Amy Laurenson.

Amy Laurenson, credit Euan Robertson.

After releasing her debut album, Strands, earlier this year, Amy has been touring the UK with her band appearing at festivals, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and cementing her sound into Scotland’s cultural landscape. 

Amy said: "I am delighted to be given the opportunity to showcase my music at WOMEX, an event that bears a huge significance in the international music scene. Alongside Gnoss, it's a huge privilege to be representing Scotland at this year's showcase and I can't wait to bring my music to the Horizons Stage with Miguel Girão (guitar), Gregor Black (percussion) and Rhona MacDonald (double bass)."

Gnoss, a traditional four-piece from Orkney, has a signature sound in acoustic layers, deep traditional roots paired with contemporary compositional flair. Their forward-thinking approach to traditional music and unique warmth on stage has seen them nominated thrice for Scots Trad Music Awards and three consecutive sell-out shows at Glasgow’s Celtic Connections. 

Gnoss_Stretching Skyward_Elly Lucas_PR Gloo

Gnoss, Stretching Skyward, credit: Elly Lucas.

Their third and latest album, Stretching Skyward, folds in new electronic elements to their acoustic roots, bringing a fresh sound as they tour UK and European festivals.

Siobhan Anderson, Music Officer at Creative Scotland said: “WOMEX provides an incredible opportunity for Scotland’s vibrant emerging talent to connect with people working across the breadth of the world’s music industry. With their roots in Orkney and Shetland, Gnoss and Amy Laurenson capture the unique traditions and innovations that Scotland’s music has to offer. 

“Four-piece Gnoss already have a wealth of original material to draw upon from their three acclaimed albums, while Amy is ready to share the musical heritage that saw her named BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year in 2023.

“Creative Scotland is proud to be part of the Horizons partnership, collaborating with peer organisations in the UK and Ireland to help these young artists reach new audiences and embark on the next part of their career.”

Alongside the Horizons stage showcase, more showcasing artists have also been revealed with 33 acts from 35 countries lined up to entertain audiences and showcase the incredible talent of emerging and renowned artists.

The full list of official showcase artists can be found on the WOMEX website.

Dr Claire Mera-Nelson, Director of Music at Arts Council England, said: “On behalf of the Horizons partnership, we are delighted to announce the nine artists performing on the Horizons Stage at this year’s WOMEX. Over the last 10 years the Horizons partners have joined together at WOMEX to showcase the very best of the UK and Ireland’s rich musical offer to peers and industry professionals from across the globe. We are excited to be working with this year’s host partner Manchester Music City to kickstart the global careers of many more talented homegrown artists.”


The Horizons partnership is supported by Arts Council England, Culture Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, Wales Arts International, Arts Council of Wales, British Council and British Underground. Find out more about Horizons.

Manchester Music City is the local host partner for WOMEX 2024.

For WOMEX 2024, the key MMC organisations are Manchester City Council, Brighter Sound, English Folk Expo and Marketing Manchester, working in partnership with Piranha Arts, Horizons, British Council, Black Lives in Music, Attitude is Everything and Young Manchester. Supported by Arts Council England, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), Manchester Airport Group and Contact.

Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland, distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further information at Follow us on XFacebook and Instagram. Learn more about the value of art and creativity in Scotland and join in at

Media Contact

Jacqueline Munro, Media Relations & PR Officer (Interim)

[email protected] / [email protected]

+44 (0) 7967 822 266