Tender for Panel Members for the Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance

The Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance is to support touring of high-quality theatre and dance. It aims to support a range of work of different scales to tour throughout Scotland and to help the touring sector to engage with and develop audiences. It also aims to support work created by a diverse range of artists, companies, and producers for a diverse range of audiences.  

Creative Scotland is now looking for a pool of external panellists to be part of the decision-making panels for each round of the fund over the next couple of years, anticipating that there will be up to two rounds each year.  

The Touring Fund panel will comprise of Creative Scotland staff and four external Panel Members contracted through this process to work together. A senior member of Creative Scotland staff will act as Panel Chair and will be responsible for running the business of the meeting. In line with the aims of the fund, the decision-making panel will select tours that collectively represent a diversity of projects and a balance of artform genres, geographic spread and work of different scales in terms of production and audience sizes.  We anticipate selecting different panel members for each round of the fund. In our selection, we will aim to ensure that the collective experience and expertise of the panel will reflect the range and diversity of work we seek to support.  

Find out more about the Touring Fund criteria and objectives.

Our Requirement - Panel Members’ Commitment

  • Panel members will be paid a fee of £200 per day (excluding VAT if applicable) for up to a maximum of six days’ work per panel. This will include panel training, preparation work and panel meeting attendance.
  • To avoid any conflicts of interest, we will not select panellists for any rounds of the fund to which they intend to be a funding applicant or will benefit financially from an application. Therefore, panel applicants will be asked to indicate their availability and eligibility for the upcoming round of the fund. Panel applicants will also be asked to indicate their interest in being considered as a panellist for future rounds, should they be ineligible, unavailable or not selected for the upcoming round. We will undertake a similar process to check any conflicts of interest ahead of any future rounds. 

For the upcoming round of the fund (Autumn 2024), the following work is required:  

  • Attendance at a training session (online via Microsoft Teams): 14:00-16:30 Monday 21 October 2024 
  • Reading Touring Fund applications and assessments and preparing comments between Saturday 26 October – Tuesday 12 November 2024 (Reading will take up to 5 days depending on the number of applications received)
  • Attendance at panel meeting (online via Microsoft Teams): 09:00 – 17:00 Wednesday 13 November 2024 
  • Panel members will also assist the Chair in finalising feedback on decisions at the end of the meeting.

Experience and Skills

We are looking for independent, professional Panel Members with sufficient availability and flexibility to respond to this opportunity. 

Panel Members will be expected to hold current professional knowledge and expertise in the Theatre and Dance Touring sector in Scotland, either from a venue programming perspective or as a maker/producer of work that tours, ideally with a minimum of five years' experience. It would be desirable for them to have experience of budgeting, project development, management and audience development. Relevant panel training will be provided.


The deadline for applications is 12 noon, Thursday 15 August 2024, through the Scottish Government e-Tendering System, Public Contracts Scotland. 


Deadline for tenders: 12 noon Thursday 15 August 2024

Tenderers will be advised of our decision by email no later than Friday 23 August 2024.  Tenderers should note that there will be no feedback given to unsuccessful tenders.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 15 August 2024 through the Scottish Government e-Tendering System: Visit the Public Contracts Scotland website.

For help with registering and submitting, read our step-by-step guide.

Required documents for submission

  • Supporting document (2 x A4 pages max) that:
  • Demonstrates your appropriate knowledge, skills and experience as specified above
  • Indicates whether you wish to be considered as a panel member for all future Touring Fund rounds (dates tbc) within the next two years
  • Indicates your availability to be a panel member for the upcoming round (Autumn 2024) of the Touring Fund and to undertake the work on the dates set out under ‘Our Requirement’ above - please note that this implies
  • Confirmation that you are not intending to be an applicant to the Touring Fund in 2024

Applicants will also need to provide contact/business details as requested and sign the agreement form in the tender document. 

How to register with Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and submit a Tender Response via the PCS Postbox

The Deadline for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 15August 2024 through the Scottish Government e-Tendering System, Home - Public Contracts Scotland.

To apply for this opportunity, please register with PCS as a supplier if you are not already registered.

Once registered, complete your application on the PCS Portal using Reference No. JUN508308.

Step by step guide for registering on PCS and submitting a Tender Response 

  1. Go to https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Register/Register_Supplier.aspx and register as a Supplier. Put your name in the 'Organisation Name' field, and select 'Continue.' This will take you back to the main page.
  2. You will receive an email from PCS containing a link to activate your PCS Membership.
  3. Once activated, log back in to the site with your details
  4. At the top of the Home Page, click 'Browse Notices' and under 'Filter Results' insert in the ;Reference No' field JUN508308 and click search. Tthis will bring up the Creative Scotland Touring Fund Panel Member’s Notice details.
  5. Click into the Notice and 'Record your interest now' then Save and Continue.
  6. Click onto the Notice again where you will find access to the Document Tab and can open up the Tender Brief document.
  7. Once you have completed the Tender Brief and the necessary documents, go to Member Notice History Details - Public Contracts Scotland and click on the “Go To Postbox” option on the right-hand side and Create a Postbox Response (this is where you will upload and submit your documents) and click Despatch.

Please ensure you submit the completed Background Details (Page 10 in the Tender Brief), the signed Form of Tender (Schedule 4 in the Tender Brief) and supporting document of maximum 2 x A4 pages (page 9 in the Tender Brief).

More information

For further information, please contact [email protected]