Spotlight - #YMusicMatters with Morag Macdonald

In this month’s Spotlight, discover the stories and reflections that came out of the #YMusicMatters 20th anniversary event from none other than YMI Manager Morag Macdonald.

Drawing in black ink of a person in a black jumper and cap, drawn three times, with text that reads 'You Got Me Where I Am Today

Illustration by artist Katie Forbes.

Throughout the planning of the #YMusicMatters event we had one key message that we wanted to share with the sector . . . YOU MAKE MUSIC MATTER.

And for anyone who wasn’t there on the day let us share this message with you too, because it’s not just the funding that creates the changes for children and young people it’s the people.

If I could sum up the event in one word, it would be connection. Throughout the day there were so many wonderful moments of music, laughter, applause, and celebration as we reflected on 20 years of the Youth Music Initiative.

Morag Macdonald on stage at the YMusicMatters event

Morag speaking to guests onstage at #YMusicMatters. Image by Venture Creative.

I heard so many stories of people reflecting on the key person who made music matter to them. Someone who nurtured, inspired, and in some cases pushed them to continue when they were most resistant, and in doing so they make them feel heard, valued and part of something bigger. And whether you’re lead on the direct delivery or in a supporting role you are part of the rich youth music ecology in Scotland.

Have a read of our press release to find out more about what happened on the day, and explore the #YMusicMatters event page, where we’ll be sharing lots of special moments, such as artwork from our live illustrators Katie Forbes and Alice Dansey-Wright, special social media moments and on demand films of our keynote talks so you can watch them at your leisure.

Artists from Ensemble trying out the sound deck with Drake Music Scotland

Ensemble artists trying out the sound deck with Drake Music Scotland in the Come and Try Room. Image by Venture Creative.

An enormous thank you to everyone who took time out of your busy schedules to contribute to the day, especially our performers and speakers who shared their music and stories. We’re still collecting feedback around the event, so please share your thoughts with us.

Malin Lewis on the right and Geraldine Heaney on the left, seated on armchairs during an event onstage

Malin Lewis and Geraldine Heaney sharing their stories onstage during a panel event. Image by Venture Creative.

If there are any connections that you made on the day that didn’t get contact details for then, please get in touch with a member of the team via email at [email protected]

Here’s to the next 20 years!