The Process

The Regular Funding programme opened for applications on 16 January 2017, with a deadline of 3 April 2017. The network of Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) for 2018-21 was announced on 25 January 2018.

The Regular Funding programme opened for applications on 16 January 2017, with a deadline of 3 April 2017. The network of Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) for 2018-21 was announced on 25 January 2018.

The timings for both application and assessment were in response to feedback from both the sector and our staff after the previous application round in 2014. Our original intention was to announce decisions in Autumn 2017, however, the timing of both the UK and Scottish Government budgets meant that final decisions needed to be delayed until after Creative Scotland’s budget settlement was known (in December 2017). The recommended Network was presented to the Creative Scotland Board for final approval on 18 January 2018.

How it worked

Once applications were received, there was a careful and thorough five-stage decision making process:

  • Stage 1: Checks for eligibility and completeness
  • Stage 2: Objective assessments (Specialism Officers)
  • Stage 3: Specialism scenario planning (Specialism Teams)
  • Stage 4: All eligible applications were discussed in the round by the senior team at Creative Scotland, including specialism and art form leads, with the aim of building a balanced network of Regularly Funded Organisations across the arts, screen and creative industries, geography, scale and diversity within our available budget.
  • Stage 5: Board decisions

We also undertook an Equality Impact Assessment of the Regular Funding application, assessment and decision-making process.

In the application process, all organisations needed to clearly demonstrate clearly their vision and purpose and how their work helps to deliver our first two ambitions: ‘excellence and experimentation’ and ‘access and enjoyment’. In addition, organisations were asked to demonstrate how their work contributed to Creative Scotland’s connecting themes; to the broader development of the sector; commitment to fair pay; that they have effective governance and leadership in place; that they are financially resilient and robust; and that they have a commitment to Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

We are confident that, through this process, Scotland has a stable network of Regularly Funded Organisations that through their leadership will contribute to the development and delivery of excellence and experimentation across the arts, screen and creative industries throughout Scotland. A commitment to delivering great experiences is balanced with support for sector development organisations who will work with artists and organisations to further develop the creative sector in Scotland and improve resilience and the ability to continue to make an invaluable contribution to Scotland’s cultural, social and economic future.

This network supports the creative potential of thousands of professional artists and creative practitioners, sitting alongside Creative Scotland’s other routes to funding support such as Open Project funding and our Targeted funds.

Combined, these will continue to enrich Scotland’s reputation as a distinctive and creative nation confidently connecting to the world.


These forms, guidance documents and FAQs were made available for organisations thinking of applying for Regular Funding 2018-21.