Supplying Creative Scotland

Creative Scotland procures goods, services and works by either issuing competitive tenders or invitations to quote in line with Scottish Government policy and all relevant legal requirements.

Creative Scotland procures goods, services and works by either issuing competitive tenders or invitations to quote in line with Scottish Government policy and all relevant legal requirements.

The aim of all our procurement activity is to obtain value for money while meeting the requirements of our mission to achieve our goal of helping Scotland’s creativity shine at home and abroad.   Value for money is defined as considering the optimum combination of quality and whole life cost to meet the needs of the user.

All Creative Scotland procurement opportunities are advertised on either the Opportunities site or Public Contracts Scotland.

Terms and Conditions

All contracts awarded by Creative Scotland are issued using our standard terms and conditions:

Scottish Government's Suppliers' Charter

Creative Scotland has signed up to the Scottish Government Suppliers’ Charter for Scottish contracting authorities.

The Charter sets out a number of commitments for contracting authorities, including:

  • Adequate publicity of contract opportunities.
  • Provision of tender debriefing to any supplier that requests it.

More info on the Suppliers’ Charter