Gaelic Language Plan

Gaelic language is an intrinsic part of Scotland’s culture and creativity. Learn about our Gaelic Language Plan.

Gaelic language is an intrinsic part of Scotland’s culture and creativity.

It influences and shapes our literature, our music, our art, our film and TV, our festivals, and all aspects of our collective creative activity both in terms of Gaelic’s heritage, but also in terms of its energy and future potential. Our vision, supported by the actions set out in this Plan, is that Gaelic’s vital role in Scotland’s culture and creativity continues to be recognised, to grow and develop over the coming five years, supported by the work of Creative Scotland (including Screen Scotland).

This Plan will build on the achievements of our two previous Gaelic Language Plans, developing and building on these further wherever possible, through our funding and development, our advocacy and influence and through our operations.

The actions set out in this Plan will also support the delivery of the National Gaelic Language Plan 2023-2028, which is also currently in development by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, and the Scottish Government’s ambition to see an increase in the numbers of people speaking, learning, and using Gaelic in Scotland.