Mental Health Services and Resources

This page lists mental health resources for individuals who might need support. It is designed to signpost you to organisations best able to respond if you have mental health concerns. Other organisations listed here can also help by providing specialist support, including those focussed on specific groups and sectors.

We have created this as we are committed to ensuring that those working in the creative and cultural sector have healthy working lives and are able to work in safe and inclusive environments. Creative Scotland staff are not, however, able to advise people directly on their personal circumstances.

If you have immediate concerns about your own mental health, you should call 111, seek advice from your GP or go to A&E and ask for the support of mental health care professionals.


NHS 24 mental health services are available to everyone in Scotland and are set out on this NHS website. They include listening, offering advice, and guiding you to further help if required. NHS 24 Mental Health Hub is open 24/7 and you can contact them by calling 111.

NHS Inform provides Mind to Mind resources, including links to services, websites, videos, podcasts. These are designed to help if you are feeling anxious, stressed or low, or having problems sleeping or dealing with grief, find out how you can improve your mental wellbeing by hearing what others have found helpful by visiting the NHS Mind to Mind website.


Samaritans provide confidential, non-judgmental emotional support 24/7 for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. You can contact Samaritans free by phoning 116 123 or emailing [email protected]

Breathing Space

Breathing Space is Scotland's free, confidential listening service for individuals over 16 experiencing symptoms of low mood, depression, or anxiety. You can contact them on 0800 83 85 87 Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 2am and 24 hours a day at weekends (from 6pm Friday to 6am Monday). 

Time for You

Time for You is an online wellbeing support service for anyone experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties who is aged 16 and over and living in Scotland. It is run by Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH) and available on the SAMH website.

Health in Mind

Health in Mind offer services to support people with a range of mental health problems including anxiety, depression, and the impact of trauma. Services are provided online, including a range of resources, over the telephone and in communities across Scotland. Most Health in Mind services and support are available in person to those living in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian, and the Scottish Borders.


CALM: the Campaign Against Living Miserably is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. They have a dedicated support line on 0800 58 58 58 and online webchat for men who are experiencing emotional distress on the CALM website.

Change Mental Health

Change Mental Health are a charity who offer an advice and support service. Advisers can signpost you to local support that most fits your needs. Their Advice and Support Service is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm, on 0808 8010 515 where advisers can signpost you to local support that most fits your needs, including their own Change Mental Health services.


MIND provide Information and support for people living with a mental health problem or supporting someone who is. They operate the Side by Side online platform where people can find and share lived experience of mental wellbeing.


Penumbra are a charity providing dedicated services for people experiencing mental ill health. They provide details of local services, which can be searched by area on the Penumbra website


Relate operates a network of Relate counselling centres across the UK, with licensed local counsellors able to provide face-to-face counselling and support. Details of their services are available on the Relate website, and include relationship counselling, family counselling, mediation and counselling for children and young people.

The Scottish Recovery Network 

The Scottish Recovery Network is Scotland’s mental health recovery organisation. They support people at all stages of their recovery journey. Visit the Scottish Recovery Network website

Resources providing support to Children and Young People


Childline is a free service for children and young people for when they need support or advice and is open 24/7. You can call 0800 1111 or visit their website.

Young Scot 

Young Scot provides information for young people, including on where they can access mental health support. 

Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH)

SAMH have guides for young people who are concerned about their mental health, or the mental health of a friend or family member.


Hopeline work to prevent young suicide, providing safe space to talk through anything happening in your life. If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINE247 for confidential support and practical advice on 0800 068 4141.

Resources providing support for Creatives

Music Minds Matter

Music Minds Matter is the sister charity of Help Musicians, offering tools and support to help musicians to stay mentally well. Resources include FAQs, personal stories and a 24/7 support line on 0808 802 8008. 


The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) have produced guidance for the Performing Arts Practitioners on mental health and wellbeing. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Services for Performing Artists: Guidance for the Performing arts Sector


ArtsMinds is a collaboration between BAPAM, Equity, The Stage and Spotlight to support performing arts practitioners facing mental health issues. Their information hub contains a range of resources that professionals have identified as potential mental health concerns.


Artquest provides advice and information to visual artists, including illustrated stories looking at the everyday mental health challenges of creative freelancers – view the guide on the Artquest website.

Film and TV Charity

The Film and TV Charity offers a 24/7 Support Line for those working in film, TV and cinema, on 0800 054 0000 or by emailing [email protected].