Na Duaisean Litreachais 2025 | The Gaelic Literature Awards 2024

Chaidh buannaichean nan Duaisean Litreachais 2024 ainmeachadh aig cuirm ann an Cottiers Theatre, Glaschu, air Dimàirt 17 Sultain 2024. Chaidh duaisean a bhuileachadh ann an ceithir roinnean airson leabhraichean a bha foillsichte eadar 1 Cèitean 2023 agus 30 Giblean 2024, agus cuideachd airson làmh-sgrìobhainnean do dh’inbhich agus do chloinn no òigridh.

Leabhar as Fheàrr do Chloinn/Òigridh

Buannaiche: Tìgear an Iomagain – eadar-theangaichte le Mòrag Stiùbhart (Acair)

Airidh air moladh: Na Còig Mathain – eadar-theangaichte le Alasdair Caimbeul (Acair)

Duais Ruaraidh MhicThòmais airson Leabhar Bàrdachd

Buannaiche: Sa Chnoc – Rody Gorman (CLÀR)

Duais Chomann Gàidhealach Lunnainn airson Leabhar Ficsein

Buannaiche: Far na Slighe – Shelagh Chaimbeul (Luath Press)

Duais Dhòmhnaill Meek airson Leabhar Neo-fhicsein

Buannaiche: Women of the Hebrides / Ban-eileanaich Innse Gall – Joni Bhochanan (Acair)

Airidh air moladh: Somhairle MacGill-Eain: Na Bhriathran Fhèin – deas. Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul, Jo NicDhòmhnaill & Iseabail NicGill-Eain (Acair)

Làmh-sgrìobhainn Neo-fhoillsichte as Fheàrr do Chloinn/Òigridh (le taic bho Acair)

Buannaiche: Casan Dhonaidh – Gwen Bowie

Làmh-sgrìobhainn Neo-fhoillsichte as Fheàrr do dh’Inbhich

Buannaiche: An Taobh Dorcha – Seonaidh Charity

Airidh air moladh: Dàn nam Ban – Ceitidh Chaimbeul

Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a’ cur meal-a-naidheachd air an luchd-buannachaidh agus a’ toirt taing mhòr dhan h-uile neach agus buidheann a tha air taic a chumail ri Na Duaisean Litreachais 2024 – nam measg, Alba Chruthachail, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Comann Gàidhealach Lunnainn, Acair, Dòmhnall Meek agus teaghlach an Ollamh Ruaraidh MhicThòmais, nach maireann.

Gheibhear na geàrr-liostaichean air fad aig

Thuirt Alan Bett, Ceannard Litreachais is Foillseachaidh aig Alba Chruthachail, ‘Tha e sgoinneil uiread de dh’fharsaingeachd fhaicinn ann an sgrìobhadh ùr sa Ghàidhlig, thairis air gach gnè litreachais agus ag amas air gach aois is ìre leughaidh. ’S e cothrom sònraichte a tha seo aithneachadh a thoirt dha na sgrìobhadairean seo agus an cuid obrach, is an cuir fa chomhair leughadairean ùra. Meal-a-naidheachd air an luchd-buannachaidh gu leir agus iadsan a nochd air na geàrr-liostaichean. Cuideachd, iadsan a fhuair aithneachadh airson làmh- sgrìobhainn neo-fhoillsichte, an dòchas gun lorg iad foillsichear is gum faic sinn an obair aca ann an clò a dh’aithghearr.

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun bhrath naidheachd seo, cuiribh brath gu Alison Lang, Stiùiriche, aig [email protected].

32 Sràid Achadh a’ Mhansa, Glaschu G11 5QP

32 Mansfield Street, Glasgow G11 5QP Fòn: 0141 337 6211, Tel: 0141 337 6211

Post-d: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] Làrach-lìn:

Website: Scottish Charity No: SC025026

The Gaelic Literature Awards 2024

The winners of the Gaelic Literature Awards 2024 have been announced at a ceremony at Cottiers Theatre, Glasgow, on Tuesday 17th September 2024. Prizes were awarded in four categories for books published between 1st May 2023 and 30th April 2024, and also for unpublished manuscripts for adults and for children or young people.

Best Book for Children/Young People

Winner: Tìgear an Iomagain – translated by Morag Stewart (Acair)

Highly commended: Na Còig Mathain – translated by Alasdair Campbell (Acair)

The Derick Thomson Prize for Best Poetry Book

Winner: Sa Chnoc – Rody Gorman (CLÀR)

The Highland Society of London Prize for Best Fiction Book

Winner: Far na Slighe – Shelagh Campbell (Luath Press)

The Donald Meek Award for Best Non-fiction Book

Winner: Women of the Hebrides / Ban-eileanaich Innse Gall – Joni Buchanan (Acair)

Highly commended: Somhairle MacGill-Eain: Na Bhriathran Fhèin – edited by Mairi Sine Campbell, Jo MacDonald & Ishbel Maclean (Acair)

Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children/Young People (in association with Acair)

Winner: Casan Dhonaidh – Gwen Bowie

Best Unpublished Manuscript for Adults

Winner: An Taobh Dorcha – Seonaidh Charity

Highly commended: Dàn nam Ban – Ceitidh Campbell

The Gaelic Books Council congratulates the winners and offers sincere thanks to all the people and organisations who have supported the Gaelic Literature Awards 2024, including Creative Scotland, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the Highland Society of London, Acair, Donald Meek, and the family of the late Professor Derick Thomson.

Shortlists for each category can be found at

Alan Bett, Head of Literature and Publishing at Creative Scotland, said: ‘It is fantastic to see such a range of new writing in the Gaelic language, across so many literary forms and aimed at a variety of ages and readerships. This is an excellent platform to acknowledge these writers and their work, and to introduce them to new readers. Congratulations to all winners and all those who were shortlisted. Also, to those recognised for their unpublished manuscripts, hoping those works will find a home and they can take their first step as a published author.'

For further information about this press release, please contact Alison Lang, Director, at [email protected].


The Gaelic Books Council (Comhairle nan Leabhraichean) is the lead organisation with responsibility for supporting Scottish Gaelic authors and publishers, and for raising the profile and reach of Scottish Gaelic books in Scotland and internationally.

The Gaelic Books Council is a registered charity and receives funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland

Bòrd na Gàidhlig is the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development, including providing advice to Scottish Ministers on Gaelic issues. Our aim is that Gaelic is seen and heard on a daily basis across Scotland, such that it is widely recognised as an integral part of Scottish life and a national cultural and economic asset.

Creative Scotland is the public body that supports culture and creativity across all parts of Scotland, distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further information at Follow us on FacebookLinkedIn, and Instagram. Learn more about the value of art and creativity in Scotland and join in at