Tender for Research into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Traditional Arts

Creative Scotland is seeking research proposals to explore and understand equality, diversity, and inclusion in Scotland's traditional arts sector. This includes traditional music, dance, storytelling, and crafts from any culture practiced in Scotland.

Discussions at the Traditional Arts Working Group highlighted interest in the current state of Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion in the traditional arts. The Traditional Arts Working Group includes representatives from Fèis Rois, Fèisean nan Gaidheal, TRACS, TMSA, Celtic Connections, Showcase Scotland, The National Piping Centre, Ceòl is Craic, Ceolas, Bothan DunEideann, The BIT Collective and Hands Up for Trad

A clear picture of equalities, diversity and inclusion within the traditional arts communities is required to ensure that support is provided by the organisations in the working group in the appropriate areas. Traditional arts includes traditional music, storytelling, dance and craft. 

Key Objectives

  • Assess the current landscape of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Identify strengths and areas needing more support and development.
  • Provide actionable recommendations for improving practices in the sector.

Focus Areas

  • The nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
  • The public sector equality duty also covers marriage and civil partnerships, with regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination in employment.
  • Additional areas including neurodivergence, poor health or mental health, socio-economic disadvantage, care system experience, carers, Gaelic or Scots speakers, non-native English speakers, refugees and asylum seekers, and those in geographically isolated areas.

Project Brief

We require research to be undertaken that will provide us with: 

  • An overview of the current position of equalities, diversity and inclusion with respect to organisations, venues, individuals, and audiences in the traditional arts.
  • An identification of key areas that require future prioritisation, alignment and development support’
  • An identification of key positive areas where the traditional arts community demonstrates best practice in EDI

It is anticipated that the research will use a mixture of methods, including desk-based research, a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews.

The detail of our requirements will be discussed in an initial project inception meeting. This scoping meeting should be included in your costings.

Experience and Skills

Organisations and/or individuals tendering for this work should have:

  • High-level skills in writing practical research papers and in-depth studies, and understanding of data collation;
  • Effective project management skills;
  • Experience of presenting findings effectively and writing reports of findings to publishable standard;
  • Previous experience of working in the creative arts and consulting with arts and cultural organisations as well as practitioners
  • Understanding of the traditional arts community/sector and intangible cultural heritage


We expect the budget for this project to be between £9,000 to £10,000 including VAT. Tenderers registered for VAT should indicate this in their proposal.

More detail on the objectives and our requirements can be found in the tender documents available on the PCS Portal.


The contract runs until 3 March 2025.

The deadline for applications is 12 noon Monday 19 August 2024 through the Scottish Government e-Tendering System, Home - Public Contracts Scotland.

How to register with Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and submit a Tender Response via the PCS Postbox

To apply for this opportunity, please register with PCS as a supplier if you are not already registered.

Once registered, complete your application on the PCS Portal using Reference No. JUL510955.

Step-by-step guide 

  1. Go to https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Register/Register_Supplier.aspx and register as a Supplier. Put your name in the 'Organisation Name' field, and select 'Continue.' This will take you back to the main page.
  2. You will receive an email from PCS containing a link to activate your PCS Membership.
  3. Once activated, log back in to the site with your details
  4. At the top of the Home Page, click 'Browse Notices' and under 'Filter Results' insert in the ;Reference No' field JUL510955. and click search. This will bring up the Creative Scotland Research Tender Notice details.
  5. Click into the Notice and 'Record your interest now' then Save and Continue.
  6. Click onto the Notice again where you will find access to the Document Tab and can open up the Tender Brief document.
  7. Once you have completed the Tender Brief and the necessary documents, go to Member Notice History Details - Public Contracts Scotland and click on the “Go To Postbox” option on the right-hand side and Create a Postbox Response (this is where you will upload and submit your documents) and click Despatch.

More information

For further information, please contact [email protected]