Innovations in international cultural exchange and collaboration

Header: Wide Days - Alex Amor. Credit - Jannica Honey

New funding for innovative models of international cultural exchange and collaboration has been awarded to 38 projects. The projects bring together 82 UK and 48 international partners based in over 24 different countries, from Mexico to Kenya, Barbados to Australia and throughout Europe and USA.

With funding from Creative ScotlandArts Council EnglandArts Council Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International, the pilot Four Nations International Fund is backing artist led proposals which address the key issues facing society - social justice, gender identity and environmental sustainability – in innovative new ways.

Creative Scotland is managing the fund’s application process for the four nations’ arts councils and agencies. On the partnership’s behalf, Paul BurnsCreative Scotland’s Interim Director of Arts and Engagement said:

“International collaboration and exchange are vital for new ideas and new connections between nations to flourish. Developed in partnership with four nations’ arts councils and agencies, this pilot funding will enable artists and creative practitioners across the nations to forge new relationships, develop practice through the sharing of ideas, explore new ways of working, and reach new audiences.  

“Culture is shaped by communities, and while international in their focus these projects have community at their heart. These projects provide an important opportunity to explore with our international counterparts the contemporary issues of our time from environmental sustainability and social justice to working in a post pandemic world following the UK’s departure from the European Union.”

A selection of projects receiving funding include:

Glasgow based drag ogre Shrek 666, will join an international cohort of gender-non-conforming drag artists for online/live hybrid residencies led by Oozing Gloop and culminate in an immersive performance presented at each of the core partners’ festivals - Take me Somewhere (Glasgow), Fierce (Birmingham) and Kampnagel (Hamburg).

Karl Taylor of Take Me Somewhere commented: "This fund will build on Shrek666's enormous local popularity and connect them to their international peers to collectively create a swampy, murky club spectacular for 2023. There are few opportunities in Scotland for ambitious and large-scale alternative drag and club performance projects, so cross-border collaborations facilitated by funds such as this one are essential."

With support from Belfast based disabled-led arts charity The University of Atypical, Irish performance artist Sinéad O’Donnell will collaborate with Selina Bonelli (Maidstone, England) and Marta Bosowska (Poznan, Poland) on new disability led project, Tairseach (Gaelic) / Próg (Polish) - meaning ‘threshold/the beginning of something’ - to develop a hybrid means of creative engagement using online dialogue, virtual and in person research, and realised through a residency and performance in Belfast.

Sinéad O’Donnell said: “We are three disparate woman and non-binary performance artists coming together to find new ways of continuing to make art in a post-pandemic world and to develop new and innovative methodologies that can be used by us and other artists. This project is about not just adapting and managing but acknowledging that the world has changed and that our practices will never be the same. We want to use this project to develop new ways of working that encompass the past, the pandemic, but adapts to us.”

Reclamation is an archival research and theatre project developed by Edinburgh-based writer and producer Aisha Josiah, London-based actor, poet and multidisciplinary artist Rachel Nwokoro, and New York-based director Olivia Songer. The project responds to an Igbo Nigerian artefact currently on display at London's Wellcome Collection, examining how the piece was acquired during 20th-century British colonial rule, exploring its original use in traditional Igbo rituals, and reimagining how this piece can be presented to a contemporary audience.

Aisha Josiah commented: “The Reclamation project responds to the specific need for cultural institutions to re-examine their exhibitions within a postcolonial context. By engaging with historical pieces and exploring their significance in the present, we are encouraging institutions like Wellcome and the communities they serve to see cultural storytelling as a "two-way street", an ongoing process in which they are equal partners.”

Wales' Celtic Neighbours Partnership is engineering ‘cultural collisions’ between the smaller nations and language communities of Europe and UK.  Working with rural communities in Ceredigion and the Vale of Glamorgan (Wales), Cornwall, Shetland and Na h-Eileanan Siar (Scotland), Gaeltacht Ireland, Netherlands (Fryslan) and Serbia (Sirogojno) their latest project will involve the exchange of artefacts, art and craftworks, writing and recordings that encapsulate their individual cultures to stimulate friendships, tolerance and shared aspirations.

English Folk Expo's innovative international collaboration, Global Music Match (founded by Showcase Scotland Expo and GMM partners) will enable global connections for hundreds of folk, world and roots musicians.

Danny Antrobus, Development Manager, English Folk Expo said: “The team at English Folk Expo are so proud to have helped found Global Music Match, working with our partners around the world to support more than 170 artists across 17 countries to reach new audiences, as well as encouraging exciting collaborations and providing a groundwork for future international touring.

“As our partnership enters its third year, we’re grateful to receive backing from the Four Nations’ International Fund which will help Global Music Match support even more artists in even more countries and bring amazing global folk and roots music to new audiences.”

Wide Events CIC, (which hosts Scotland’s Wide Days music convention) will team up with Focus Wales international showcase festival and Mexican vinyl shop and record label, La Roma Records to bring together music industry professionals, music media and export-ready artists from the three countries for market presentations, low-speed meetings and introductions.

Olaf Furniss, Founder of Wide Days commented: “We’re looking forward to working with our friends at La Roma Records and Focus Wales to connect people and build the foundations for future collaborations and an in-person trade delegation. As a journalist I covered Mexico’s nascent club scene, interviewed some great bands and DJs, and years later hosted our first international Born To Be Wide in Mexico City. It’s great to have the opportunity to bring together Mexico, Scotland and Wales to lay the foundation for future collaborations.”

The Fund represents one of a series of collaborations between the four UK nations’ arts councils and agencies including the pilot, Arts Infopoint UK initiative offering advice on practical issues relating to artist mobility led by Wales Arts International, and an exploration of mutual and more sustainable approaches to bilateral initiatives with several European countries, such as German Fonds SozioKultur.


The full list of Four Nations’ International Fund recipients

SCOTLAND Project Lead



Aisha Josiah (Scotland)

Rachel Nwokoro (Harrow, England)

Olivia Songer (USA)


All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre (Scotland)

Fidget Feet (Limerick, Ireland)

Gravity & Levity (Brighton and Hove, England)


Amble Skuse

Olya Uzikaeva (Russia)

Bosko Begovic (Serbia)

Pervasive Media (Bristol, England)



Arch 468 Theatre Studio (Greenwich, England)

Ensemble Studio Theater (New York, USA)


Emma Barr

Mark Powell (Swindon, England)

Pitlochry Festival Theatre / Soundstage (Perth and Kinross, Scotland)

Barry Fitzgerald (Ireland)

Riley Mathers (Wiltshire, England)


Nevis Ensemble

Street Orchestra Live (Haringey, England)

Ricciotti Ensemble (The Netherlands)


North Lands Creative Glass

Ruthin Craft Centre (Denbighshire, Wales)

Ltd. Stikla maja - Glass Point (Latvia)

National Glass Centre (Sunderland, England)


Scottish PEN

Wales PEN Cymru (Ceredigion, Wales)

English PEN (Camden, England)

Irish PEN (Ireland)


Simone Kenyon

Katye Coe (Warwick, England)

Jared Gradinger (Finland)


Take Me Somewhere Ltd


Kampnagel (Germany)



Focus Wales (Wrexham, Wales)

La Roma Records (Mexico)



ENGLAND Project Lead




Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival (Cardiff, Wales)

The Armstrong Storytelling Trust (Northern Ireland)

The Village Storytelling Centre (Glasgow, Scotland),

FEST - Federation of European Storytelling (Belgium)



Produced Moon (Glasgow, Scotland)

Teater Grob (Denmark)


David Bailey

Mother Tongue (Glasgow, Scotland)

Punch Creative Arena (Barbados)


Dougal McPherson

Kirstie Simson (Carmarthenshire, Wales)

Michael Schumacher (The Netherlands)



Showcase Scotland Expo (North Ayrshire, Scotland)

Sounds Australia (Australia)



play:Vienna (Austria)

An Tobar & Mull Theatre (Argyll and Bute)



Findhorn Bay Arts ltd. (Moray, Scotland)

Glupsk pa Dalsland (Sweden)


Gabrielle Haley

Ana Betancourt (Edinburgh, Scotland), Tuuli Merilainen (Finland)


Gavin Rogers

Homo Novus Festival/ New Theatre Institute of Latvia (Latvia),

Neil Callaghan & Simone Kenyan (Moray, Scotland)



Eden Court (Highland, Scotland),

Dogma Theatre Company (Italy)



Neil Price (North Lanarkshire, Scotland)

The Limón Company, New York (USA)

Eve Mutso (Estonia)

Julie Spence (Scotland)


Ruth Singer

Sharon Adams (Northern Ireland)

Gillian Adair McFarland (Fife, Scotland)

Collette Rayner (The Netherlands)

Liz Nilsson (Ireland)



Outdoor Arts Portugal (Portugal)

Passage Festival (Denmark)

Fira Tarrega (Spain)

101 Outdoor Arts (West Berkshire, England)

Articulation (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Articulture (Powys, Wales)


Sophy Rickett

Fire Station Creative (Fife, Scotland)

Liane Lang (Tower Hamlets, England)

Filet (Hackney, England)

RMO Cultural Association (Spain)



Michael Cacoyannis Foundation (Greece)

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (Glasgow, Scotland)


Victoria Lucas

Special Collections and Archives Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales)

G39 (Cardiff, Wales)

Künstlerhaus Dortmund (Germany)



University of Atypical (Northern Ireland)



Virginie Sauzon

Foivi Psevdou (Greece)

Rik Fisher (Germany)

Tricia Enns (Canada)

Jenny Alderton (Neath Port Talbot, Wales)

Neta Gracewell (Tower Hamlets, England)



Young At Art (Northern Ireland)







Sinead ODonnell

Marta Bosowska (Poland)

Selina Bonelli (Maidstone, England)


BIG TELLY THEATRE COMPANY Deutches Museum (Munich, Germany) £5,500.00


Park Theatre (England); Smock Alley Theatre (Ireland)



Anna McGrath (East Lothian, Scotland)

Cygnet Theatre (France)



WALES Project Lead




The Other MA (Southend-on-Sea, England)

Framer Framed (The Netherlands)



Taigh Chearsabhagh (Na h-Eileanan Siar, Scotland)

Centre for Island Creativity, UHI Shetland (Shetland, Scotland)

trac cymru (Vale of Glamorgan, Wales)

Eallain na Gaeltachta (Ireland)

Staro Selo (Serbia)

Golden Tree Productions (Cornwall, England)

Museum ’t Fiskershúske (The Netherlands)


Jo Munton

Fiona Wright (Glasgow, Scotland)

Gary Freidman (Australia)

Fedelis Kyalo (Kenya)



Jamaica Heritage Links (Sandwell, England)  
Yasus Afari - SenYAcum Edutainment Promotion (Jamaica)


The £200,000 pilot Four Nations International Fund is funded by Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, Arts Council Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International.

Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further information at Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. Learn more about the value of art and creativity in Scotland and join in at

Arts Council England is the national development agency for creativity and culture. We have set out our strategic vision in Let’s Create that by 2030 we want England to be a country in which the creativity of each of us is valued and given the chance to flourish and where everyone of us has access to a remarkable range of high quality cultural experiences. We invest public money from Government and The National Lottery to help support the sector and to deliver this vision.

Following the Covid-19 crisis, the Arts Council developed a £160 million Emergency Response Package, with nearly 90% coming from the National Lottery, for organisations and individuals needing support. We are also one of the bodies administering the Government’s unprecedented £1.96 billion Culture Recovery Funds. Find out more at

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is the lead funding and development agency for the Arts providing support to arts projects throughout the region, through its Treasury and The National Lottery funds.  Our funding enables artists and arts organisations to increase access to the arts across society and deliver great art that is within everyone’s reach.

Wales Arts International is the in-house international agency of the Arts Council of Wales, the public body responsible for funding and developing the arts in Wales. Further information at and Follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram

Media Contact

For contact details for our Media Team go to our Media Centre.

Dòighean ùra ann an conaltradh cultarach is co-obrachadh eadar-nàiseanta

Thugadh maoineachadh ùr do 38 pròiseactan airson modalan ùr-ghnàthach de chonaltradh agus co-obrachadh cultarach eadar-nàiseanta. Bheir na pròiseactan còmhla 82 com-pàirtiche am Breatainn agus 48 com-pàirtiche eadar-nàiseanta, stèidhichte ann an còrr is 24 dùthaich eadar-dhealaichte, eadar Mexico is Kenya, Barbados is Astràilia agus air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa agus na Stàitean Aonaichte.

Le taic bho Alba Chruthachail, Comhairle Ealain Shasainn, Comhairle Ealain Cheann a Tuath na h-Èireann agus Comhairle Ealain na Cuimrigh/Wales Arts International, tha an sgeama pìleatach Urras Eadar-nàiseanta nan Ceithir Dùthchannan a’ cur taic ri planaichean luchd-ealain a dhèiligeas ann an dòighean ùra, tùrach, ri cuspairean bunaiteach a tha mar coinneamh, leithid ceartas sòisealta, dearbh-aithne gnè agus seasmhachd àrainneachd.

Tha Alba Chruthachail a’ stiùireadh pròiseas tagradh an stòrais às leth comhairlean ealain nan ceithir dùthchannan. Às leth a’ chom-pàirteachais, thuirt Paul Burns, Stiùiriche Eadar-amail nan Ealain is Com-pàirteachaidh aig Alba Chruthachail:

“Tha co-obrachadh agus conaltradh eadar-nàiseanta deatamach gus an soirbhich le beachdan ùra agus ceanglaichean ùra eadar dùthchannan. Air a leasachadh ann an com-pàirteachas le comhairlean ealain agus buidhnean nan ceithir dùthaich, bheir am maoineachadh pìleat seo comas do luchd-ealain agus luchd-cruthachaidh air feadh nan dùthchannan dàimhean ùra a chruthachadh, nòsan a leasachadh tro bhith a’ co-roinn bheachdan, dòighean-obrach ùra a rannsachadh agus luchd-èisteachd is amhairc ùr a fhrithealadh.  

“Is iad coimhearsnachdan a bheir cruth air cultar, agus ged a tha na pròiseactan seo eadar-nàiseanta nan nàdar, tha coimhearsnachd aig an cridhe. “Tha na pròiseactan seo a’ toirt cothrom cudromach ionnsachadh còmhla ri ar co-luchd-ealain eadar-nàiseanta mu ghnothaichean an là an-diugh eadar seasmhachd àrainneachd is ceartas sòisealta, agus obair ann an saoghal às deidh COVID-19 agus an Rìoghachd Aonaichte air an t-Aonadh Eòrpach fhàgail.”

Am measg nam pròiseact a gheibh taic tha:

Thèid uilebheist draga Ghlaschu Shrek 666, còmhla ri buidhinn eadar-nàiseanta de luchd-draga gnè-shùbailte son muinntireasan measgaichte eadar beò is air-loidhnefo stiùir Oozing Gloop agus a’ crìochnachadh ann an cuirm mhòr aig fèis le gach com-pàirtiche- Take me Somewhere (Glaschu), Fierce (Birmingham) agus Kampnagel (Hamburg).

Thuirt Karl Taylor bho Take Me Somewhere: “Cleachdaidh a’ mhaoin seo fèill mhòr ionadail Shrek666 agus ceangailidh i iad ri an co-luchd-ealain eadar-nàiseanta gus sàr-chuirm cluba clàbarach, dorcha a chruthachadh airson 2023. Is ann tearc a tha cothroman ann an Alba dha pròiseactan cuirm mòra àrd-amasach eadar-dhealaichte draga is cluba, agus mar sin tha co-obrachadh thar-chrìochan a fhuair taic-airgead mar seo riatanach."

Le taic bhon bhuidhinn charthannais Bheul Feirste fo stiùir luchd-ciurram The University of Atypical,co-oibrichidh an neach-ealain taisbeanaidh Sinéad O’Donnell le Selina Bonelli (Maidstone, Sasainn) agus Marta Bosowska (Poznan, a’ Phòlainn) air pròiseact ùr fo stiùir luchd-ciurram, Tairseach (Gàidhlig) / Próg (Pòlannais) - a tha a’ ciallachadh ‘stairsneach/tòiseachadh’ gus dòigh measgaichte com-pàirteachaidh chruthachail a leasachadh a’ cleachdadh conaltradh air loidhne, rannsachadh an dà chuid air loidhne is aghaidh-ri-aghaidh, agus ga thoirt gu buil tro mhuinntireas is cuirm ann am Beul Feirste

Thuirt Sinéad O’Donnell: “Is e a tha annainn triùir bhoireannach eadar-dhealaichte agus luchd-ealain àrd-ùrlar neo-bhìnearaidh a tha a’ tighinn còmhla gus dòighean ùra a lorg gus cumail oirnn a’ dèanamh ealain san t-saoghal ùr às dèidh a’ ghalar, agus gus dòighean-obrach ùra is ùr-ghnàthach a leasachadh a chleachdas sinne agus luchd-ealain eile. Chan ann a-mhàin mu dheidhinn atharrachadh agus rian a tha am pròiseact seo ach a bhith ag aithneachadh gu bheil an saoghal air atharrachadh agus nach bi na h-aon chleachdaidhean againn gu bràth tuilleadh. Tha sinn airson am pròiseact seo a chleachdadh gus dòighean-obrach ùra a leasachadh a ghabhas a-steach an t-àm a dh’fhalbh, linn a’ ghalair, ach a bhios ag atharrachadh a rèir mar a tha sinne.”

'S e a tha ann an Reclamation pròiseact rannsachaidh agus tèatair tasglainn leis an sgrìobhadair agus riochdaire Aisha Josiah, a tha stèidhichte ann an Dùn Èideann; an cleasaiche, bàrd is neach-ealain ioma-fhillte Rachel Nwokoro, a tha stèidhichte ann an Lunnainn, agus stiùiriche à New York Olivia Songer. Tha am pròiseact a’ cuimseachadh air obair-ealain Igbo Nigerianach a tha an-dràsta ga taisbeanadh leis an Wellcome Collection, ann an Lunnainn: thathas a’ coimhead air ciamar a fhuaras am pìos seo nuair a bhathas fo smachd Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn, san 20mh linn, a’ coimhead ri mar a bhathas ga chleachdadh bho thùs ann an deas-ghnàth nan Igbo, agus a’ smaoineachadh ciamar a chuirear am pìos seo ma choinneamh sluagh an là an-diugh.

Thuirt Aisha Josiah: “Tha am pròiseact Reclamation a’ freagairt air an uallach shònraichte a th’ air buidhnean cultarach ath-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na taisbeanaidhean aca ann an co-theacs crìoch Ìmpireachd. Le bhith a’ gabhail gnothaich ri pìosan à eachdraidh, agus am brìgh anns an linn a tha ann a sgrùdadh, bheirear air buidhnean leithid Wellcome is an coimhearsnachdan coimhead air aithris dualchais mar conaltradh eadar an dà thaobh: gnothaich leantainneach agus an dà thaobh co-ionann.

Tha Com-pàirteachas nan Nàbaidh Ceilteach aig a’ Chuimrigh a’ cur air dòigh ‘co-bhualaidhean culturach’ eadar na dùthchannan is coimhearsnachdan cànain nas lugha na Roinn Eòrpach is na Rìoghachd Aonaichte.  Ag obair còmhla ri coimhearsnachdan dùthchail ann an Ceredigion agus anns am Vale of Glamorgan (a’ Chuimrigh), a’ Chòrn, Sealltainn agus na h-Eileanan Siar (Alba), Gaidhealtachd na h-Èireann, an Òlaind (Fryslan) agus Serbia (Sirogojno) gabhaidh am pròiseact as ùire aca a-steach iomlaid pìosan luachmhor, ealain agus stuthan-ceàrd, sgrìobhadh is clàran a tha nan samhlaidhean de na cultaran fa leth gus càirdeas, tuigse is miann coitcheann a bhrosnachadh.

Co-obrachadh ùr-ghnàthach eadar-nàiseantaEnglish Folk Expo Global Music Match(air a chur air dòigh  le Showcase Scotland Expo agus com-pàirtichean GMM) a chruthaicheas ceanglaichean eadar-nàiseanta do na ceudan de luchd-ciùil dualchasach, dùthchasach is tradaiseanta.

Thuirt Danny Antrobus, Stiùiriche Leasachaidh, English Folk Expo: “Tha sgioba English Folk Expo air leth moiteil gun do chuidich sinn Global Music Match a stèidheachadh, ag obair le ar luchd-com-pàirt air feadh an t-saoghail gus taic a chur ri barrachd air 170 luchd-ealain ann an 17 dùthaich gus luchd-èisteachd is luchd-amhairc ùr a ruighinn, agus a’ brosnachadh co-obrachaidh ùr inntinneach agus bunaitean a leigeil son tursan eadar-nàiseanta san linn a tha ri teachd.

“Le ar com-pàirteachas a-nis san treas bliadhna, tha sinn taingeil taic fhaighinn bho Urras Eadar-nàiseanta nan Ceithir Dùthchannan, a chuidicheas le Global Music Match taic a chur ri tuilleadh luchd-ealain ann am barrrachd dhùthchannan agus tuilleadh sàr cheòl dùalchasach, dùthchasach is tradaiseanta a chur ma choinneamh luchd-èisteachd ùr.”

ThigWide Events CIC, (a chuireas an fhèis Albannach Wide Days air dòigh) còmhla ri Focus Wales agus an fhèis iomraiteachd eadar-nàiseanta, bùth vinyl Mexico agus companaidh clàr, La Roma Recordsgus luchd proifeiseanta ciùil, meadhannan ciùil agus luchd-ealain a tha deiseil stuth a reic thall-thairis às na trì dùthchannan a thoirt còmhla son taisbeanaidhean margaid, coinneamhan socair agus cothroman coinneachaidh a chur air dòigh.

Thuirt Olaf Furniss, Neach-stèidheachaidh Wide Days: “Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair obrachadh còmhla ri air caraidean aig La Roma Records agus Focus Wales agus bunaitean ullachadh son co-oibreachadh san àm ri teachd agus teachdaireachd malairt ann am pearsa. Mar neach-naidheachd dh’aithris mi mu shaoghal ùr nan clubaichean ann am Mexico, bhruidhinn mi ri sàr chòmhlain is DJs agus chùm sinn ar ciad fèill Born to Be Wide ann am Mexico City. Tha e mìorbhaileach an cothrom a bhith againn Mexico, Alba is a’ Chuimrigh a thoirt còmhla gus bunaitean a leigeil son co-obrachadh san àm ri teachd.

‘S e a tha anns an t-Urras fear de shreath de cho-obrachadh eadar comhairlean ealain nan ceithir dùthchannan san Rìoghachd Aonaichte, a’ gabhail a-steach an iomairt phìleatach, Arts Infopoint UK a tha a’ tabhainn comhairle air cùisean pragtaigeach a’ buntainn ri gluasadachd luchd-ealain air a stiùireadh le Wales Arts International, cho math ri rannsachadh air dòighean co-chòrdach air iomairtean dà-thaobhach le grunn dhùthchannan Eòrpach, leithid German Fonds SozioKultur.

Notaichean do Luchd-deasachaidh

Làn chunntas de na fhuair maoin bho Urras Eadar-nàiseanta nan Ceithir Dùthchannan

Stiùiriche Pròiseict ann an ALBA



Aisha Josiah (Scotland)

Rachel Nwokoro (Harrow, England)

Olivia Songer (USA)


All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre (Scotland)

Fidget Feet (Limerick, Ireland)

Gravity & Levity (Brighton and Hove, England)


Amble Skuse

Olya Uzikaeva (Russia)

Bosko Begovic (Serbia)

Pervasive Media (Bristol, England)



Arch 468 Theatre Studio (Greenwich, England)

Ensemble Studio Theater (New York, USA)


Emma Barr

Mark Powell (Swindon, England)

Pitlochry Festival Theatre / Soundstage (Perth and Kinross, Scotland)

Barry Fitzgerald (Ireland)

Riley Mathers (Wiltshire, England)


Nevis Ensemble

Street Orchestra Live (Haringey, England)

Ricciotti Ensemble (The Netherlands)


North Lands Creative Glass

Ruthin Craft Centre (Denbighshire, Wales)

Ltd. Stikla maja - Glass Point (Latvia)

National Glass Centre (Sunderland, England)


Scottish PEN

Wales PEN Cymru (Ceredigion, Wales)

English PEN (Camden, England)

Irish PEN (Ireland)


Simone Kenyon

Katye Coe (Warwick, England)

Jared Gradinger (Finland)


Take Me Somewhere Ltd


Kampnagel (Germany)



Focus Wales (Wrexham, Wales)

La Roma Records (Mexico)



Stiùiriche Pròiseict ann an SASAINN




Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival (Cardiff, Wales)

The Armstrong Storytelling Trust (Northern Ireland)

The Village Storytelling Centre (Glasgow, Scotland),

FEST - Federation of European Storytelling (Belgium)



Produced Moon (Glasgow, Scotland)

Teater Grob (Denmark)


David Bailey

Mother Tongue (Glasgow, Scotland)

Punch Creative Arena (Barbados)


Dougal McPherson

Kirstie Simson (Carmarthenshire, Wales)

Michael Schumacher (The Netherlands)



Showcase Scotland Expo (North Ayrshire, Scotland)

Sounds Australia (Australia)



play:Vienna (Austria)

An Tobar & Mull Theatre (Argyll and Bute)



Findhorn Bay Arts ltd. (Moray, Scotland)

Glupsk pa Dalsland (Sweden)


Gabrielle Haley

Ana Betancourt (Edinburgh, Scotland), Tuuli Merilainen (Finland)


Gavin Rogers

Homo Novus Festival/ New Theatre Institute of Latvia (Latvia),

Neil Callaghan & Simone Kenyan (Moray, Scotland)



Eden Court (Highland, Scotland),

Dogma Theatre Company (Italy)



Neil Price (North Lanarkshire, Scotland)

The Limón Company, New York (USA)

Eve Mutso (Estonia)

Julie Spence (Scotland)


Ruth Singer

Sharon Adams (Northern Ireland)

Gillian Adair McFarland (Fife, Scotland)

Collette Rayner (The Netherlands)

Liz Nilsson (Ireland)



Outdoor Arts Portugal (Portugal)

Passage Festival (Denmark)

Fira Tarrega (Spain)

101 Outdoor Arts (West Berkshire, England)

Articulation (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Articulture (Powys, Wales)


Sophy Rickett

Fire Station Creative (Fife, Scotland)

Liane Lang (Tower Hamlets, England)

Filet (Hackney, England)

RMO Cultural Association (Spain)



Michael Cacoyannis Foundation (Greece)

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (Glasgow, Scotland)


Victoria Lucas

Special Collections and Archives Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales)

G39 (Cardiff, Wales)

Künstlerhaus Dortmund (Germany)



University of Atypical (Northern Ireland)



Virginie Sauzon

Foivi Psevdou (Greece)

Rik Fisher (Germany)

Tricia Enns (Canada)

Jenny Alderton (Neath Port Talbot, Wales)

Neta Gracewell (Tower Hamlets, England)



Young At Art (Northern Ireland)




Stiùiriche Pròiseict ann an ÈIRINN A TUATH



Sinead ODonnell

Marta Bosowska (Poland)

Selina Bonelli (Maidstone, England)



Park Theatre (England); Smock Alley Theatre (Ireland)



Anna McGrath (East Lothian, Scotland)

Cygnet Theatre (France)



Stiùiriche Pròiseict anns a’ CHUIMRIGH




The Other MA (Southend-on-Sea, England)

Framer Framed (The Netherlands)



Taigh Chearsabhagh (Na h-Eileanan Siar, Scotland)

Centre for Island Creativity, UHI Shetland (Shetland, Scotland)

trac cymru (Vale of Glamorgan, Wales)

Eallain na Gaeltachta (Ireland)

Staro Selo (Serbia)

Golden Tree Productions (Cornwall, England)

Museum ’t Fiskershúske (The Netherlands)


Jo Munton

Fiona Wright (Glasgow, Scotland)

Gary Freidman (Australia)

Fedelis Kyalo (Kenya)



Jamaica Heritage Links (Sandwell, England)  
Yasus Afari - SenYAcum Edutainment Promotion (Jamaica)


Tha an sgeama pìleatach £200,000 Urras Eadar-nàiseanta nan Ceithir Dùthchannan ga mhaoineachadh le Alba Chruthachail, Comhairle Ealain Shasainn, Comhairle Ealain Cheann a Tuath na h-Èireann agus Comhairle Ealain na Cuimrigh/Wales Art International.

’S e Alba Chruthachail a’ bhuidheann phoblach a tha a’ toirt taic dha na gnìomhachasan ealain, sgrìne agus cultarach air feadh gach pàirt de dh’Alba a’ sgaoileadh maoineachadh air a thoirt seachad le Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus an Crannchur Nàiseanta. Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig . Leanaibh sinn air TwitterFacebook agus Instagram.Ionnsaichibh tuilleadh mu luach ealain is comas cruthachaidh ann an Alba is thig còmhla rinn aig

’S e Arts Council England a’ bhuidheann nàiseanta leasachaidh airson cruthachalachd is cultar. Tha sinn air ar n-amas ro-innleachdail a chur a-mach ann an Let’s Create gu bheil sinn ro 2030 airson Sasainn a bhith na dùthaich anns a bheil cruthachalachd gach duine againn ga luachadh ’s gu bheil cothrom aige sin ri soirbheachadh, agus far a bheil cothrom aig gach duine againn air farsaingeachd aibheiseach de fiosraichidhean cultarach àrd-chàileachd. Bidh sinn a’ cur airgid phoblaich bhon Riaghaltas agus an Crannchur Nàiseanta ann an cuideachadh na roinne agus airson an t-seallaidh seo a lìbhrigeadh.

A’ leantainn na h-èiginne COVID-19, leasaich Comhairle nan Ealain Pasgan Dèiligeadh Èiginn de £160 millean, le cha mhòr 90% a’ tighinn bhon Chrannchur Nàiseanta, airson bhuidhnean is dhaoine fa leth a tha feumach air taic. Is sinne cuideachd aon de na buidhnean a tha a’ rianachadh Maoinean Ath-Shlànachadh Chultair, maoinean de £1.96 billean gun ro-shampall aig an Riaghaltas. Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig

’S e The Arts Council of Northern Ireland prìomh bhuidheann mhaoineachaidh is leasachaidh nan Ealain a’ toirt taic do phròiseactan ealain air feadh na roinne, tro mhaoin Roinn an Ionmhais is a’ Chrannchuir Nàiseanta.Tha ar maoineachadh a’ toirt comas do luchd-ealain is buidhnean ealain barrachd cothrom fhaighinn air na h-ealain 's a’ choimhearsnachd agus a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh sàr-ealain a tha ruigsinneach dha na h-uile.

’S e Wales Arts International buidheann ion-taigh eadar-nàiseantaaig Arts Council of Wales, a’bhuidheann phoblach air a bheil uallach airson maoineachadh agus leasachadh nan ealain anns a’ Chuimrigh. Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig agus Leanaibh sinn air TwitterFacebook agus Instagram