Help With Your Budget

Anyone making an application for funding from Creative Scotland is required to provide a budget.

In the case of most of Creative Scotland's funding programmes, anyone making an application is required to provide a budget, or a summary outline of the income and costs (expenditure) associated with their activity.

Fund Guidelines

First, you should read the guidelines and application form for the funding programme you’re looking to apply to thoroughly. This will enable you to note all the budget information that the programme requires you to submit.

Additionally our Open Fund contains guidance on budgets which tells you what we would like to see in your budget when applying to this fund. Whilst a lot of the information is specific to the Open Fund, it does give some general guidance on laying out your budget. See the Help with Budgets Appendix in the Open Fund guidance documents.

Other resources

There are various resources available online that can give you help and advice on developing a budget for your activity. These include:

FAQs and Contact Us

If you need any further help or advice, check our FAQs, or visit our Contact Us page.