Information for Service Providers

Find out more about who can be a service provider, how service providers can and cannot help, and some tips for providing effective help.

A service provider can be a support worker, colleague, or friend who has the skills to support applicants in the ways described on this page.

Service providers can:

  • Help the applicant understand the questions and the information they might need to include
  • Ask the applicant questions to help them complete the form
  • Work with the applicant to write their application
  • Help the applicant to select what information to include in order to meet word counts
  • Contact collaborators on behalf of the applicant to gather supporting documents

Service providers cannot:

  • Provide fundraising services such as providing or suggesting specific aspects of the application content
  • Provide advice on the project itself

Some tips to help you get started:

  • Have a discussion with the applicant you will be supporting
  • Find out what their project is and the type of fund they wish to apply for
  • Ensure the applicant has an up-to-date CV of their professional artistic activities
  • Familiarise yourself with the steps required to apply by reviewing the guidance for the fund being applied to
  • Note that you cannot have a leadership or artistic role in the project