Made in Scotland Funding

Made in Scotland is a curated showcase promoting high quality music, theatre and dance to international promoters and audiences at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. It also supports onward international touring.

About the Programme

Made in Scotland is a curated showcase that promotes high quality music, theatre and dance from Scotland-based artists, to international promoters and audiences at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe each year.

It is a partnership between the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, Creative Scotland, the Federation of Scottish Theatre (FST) and the Scottish Music Centre (SMC). Made in Scotland is supported by the Scottish Government’s Festivals Expo Fund – awarded to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society.

The purpose of the Programme is to raise the international profile of Scottish artists through the promotion of Scottish work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and this fund supports the Made in Scotland Showcase as well as Onward International Touring.

Made in Scotland Showcase Fund 2024

Funding is available to help support the presentation at the Fringe of new or existing artistically ambitious work with strong onward potential as part of the Made in Scotland Showcase. All applicants should be considering their international ambitions for the show being presented.


Applications can come from individual artists, companies, organisations, promoters, record labels and venues.

All applicants must be based in Scotland. Student and non-professional companies are not eligible to apply.

Organisations already in receipt of Creative Scotland Regular Funding, Open Funding or other Targeted Funds are eligible to apply, but need to clearly demonstrate the additional benefits that support from Made in Scotland will present.


The total budget available for the Made in Scotland 2024 programme will be in the region of £300k.

There is no minimum or maximum level of grant for which you can apply and given the broad range in scale of applications received it is not possible to advise on a typical award level. Please note that in the past the budget has supported 15-20 awards.

You should bear in mind that Made in Scotland funding should not be your only source of funding.


Those selected to be part of Made in Scotland will also receive support and advice to help them prepare for participation in the programme, including advice on marketing, venues, networking and much more.

How to apply

Applications closed at 12 noon on 22 November 2023.

Onward International Touring

As well as supporting the actual showcase of work during the Fringe each year, Made in Scotland also has separate funding available to enable artists, bands and ensembles based in Scotland to take up new international touring opportunities for work programmed as a direct result of the inviting promoter seeing the work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

This fund exists to support costs linked to flights, freight, visas and the translation of marketing materials. Other costs are expected to be met by the inviting promoter.

We also require anyone applying to this fund to be working with an international promoter who is making a clear financial contribution towards the overall costs. This fund will not support wholly self-produced and self-funded tours.


This fund is open to any individual or company based in Scotland which has presented a professional piece of theatre, dance or music at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe between the years 2015 to 2023 and which, as a result, was seen, and programmed, by an international presenter for the first time.

Only one award per project will be made per funding year (September - August). If you have not presented your work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe then you will not be eligible to apply to this fund. For other funding to support international touring, you should look at the Creative Scotland Open Fund.


The total amount available for the Made in Scotland Onward International Touring programme will be in the region of £110,000.

The funding available through this programme is limited, so support will not cover the full costs of the international presentation. We expect proposals to demonstrate significant financial commitment from the international promoter.

The maximum you can routinely apply for is £15k. In exceptional circumstances, and only following a prior discussion with a member of the team, a request for a higher amount may be considered. If you are considering an application for more than £15k, please email [email protected]

How to apply

Applications are now open. The fund will remain open until it is fully allocated.

Download the guidance notes and application form below – completed application forms should be sent to: [email protected]

More Information

If you require more information on the Made in Scotland Showcase visit the Made in Scotland website or email the Festival Fringe Office on [email protected].

If you require further information on the Made in Scotland Onward International Touring Fund, email [email protected]

If you require any other general advice about Creative Scotland funding please contact our Enquiries Service.