Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship

The annual Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship supports an organisation to host a writing fellowship – with the successful writer based in Scotland to develop their craft, and to produce a work of quality.

The Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship was established to honour a Creative Scotland colleague who dedicated his entire professional life to helping writers and literature organisations in Scotland.

Following the sad loss of Dr Wallace in 2013, Creative Scotland established an annual Fellowship in his name to honour his memory and commemorate and continue his good work.

This fund supports an arts or public sector organisation based in Scotland to host the year-long Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship. The successful host organisation will then subsequently recruit a Writing Fellow.

The Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship is supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.

About the Programme

The Fellowship is intended to support mid-career and established writers, allowing a writer time to create work rather than deliver creative workshops or other project-based activities.

Please note that the Gavin Wallace Fellowship is to allow for a writer to have a supported year writing in the genre in which they can already demonstrate a track record. It is not designed to allow writers to pivot into new forms.

Organisations applying to host will suggest a broad theme for the Fellowship which should be related to their own work. We’re keen to encourage applications from organisations who work in any art form, or work in other parts of the public sector, providing they can show:

  • An established commitment to the arts in Scotland
  • An understanding of the development needs of writers and a willingness to support a writer throughout their Fellowship
  • A knowledge of the wider literature sector in Scotland
  • A clear rationale as to why hosting the Fellowship in 2023 would be beneficial to the organisation’s own work.

In 2023, we were particularly interested in receiving applications from organisations which:

  • Can demonstrate a commitment to diversifying the arts in Scotland and/or
  • Consider access requirements through an openness to working remotely and digitally with the writing fellow, where required or appropriate.

We also asked the host organisation to make an employee available who can act as point of contact and support for the writer throughout the Fellowship.


We accepted applications from arts, screen and creative organisations which are based in Scotland. We also accepted applications from organisations working in other parts of the public sector that met the criteria (particularly around supporting the developmental needs of the writer).

Organisations already in receipt of Regular Funding from Creative Scotland could apply with the awareness of their Lead Officer. Applications were required to demonstrate why the proposed activity is additional to their existing Funding Agreement and how the activity enhances current and future plans.

Previous hosts of the Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship could reapply, but were not given priority.

Budget available

For 2024, one award of £25,000 will divided into a £20,000 stipend for the successful writer, and £5,000 to the host organisation to support the development and delivery of project plans.


Decisions were based on the information presented in the application form. In December 2023, the University of Stirling was confirmed as host for the 2024 award.


Following appointment of the host, we began the recruitment process for the Fellowship and applications for this closed on 2 February 2024.
