
This fund seeks to increase the diversity of people in the arts, screen and creative industries.

Applications for this fund are now closed.


About the fund

This fund seeks to increase the diversity of people in the arts and creative industries.

Applicants can seek funding to help them progress, develop their creative and professional practice and capacity, or to support them to take professional and creative risks.

Round three is closed to applications.

Learn more through our interviews with past recipients

Have a look at some of the projects previously funded through Create Inclusion.

We've also interviewed some recipients to discover more about their experience - watch our interviews with Kirin Saeed, Ben Lunn and Janos Lang.

Watch an introduction to the fund

Watch as Graham Reid, Equalities and Diversity Officer, gives an intro to the fund.


You can also watch this in BSL.


Creative Scotland’s reports ‘Understanding Diversity in the Arts’ and ‘Equality Matters’ highlighted numerous and complex barriers to access, progression and representation in the arts, screen and creative industries.

These reports indicated that career progression is far from a level playing field. Challenges are more acutely felt by women, people with parental responsibilities, disabled people and those from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Lack of connections, social structures and networks also featured highly as a barrier, with many mentioning the importance of informal networks in securing work or getting noticed.

This fund aims to start addressing some of these well documented concerns and increase the diversity of people in the arts and creative industries in Scotland.


This fund is for individual creative practitioners, organisations, groups and networks in the arts and creative industries, particularly individuals who self–identify as sharing one or more protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010; or from groups/organisations which are either minority-led or which focus on working with and for those who share one or more protected characteristics.

Find out more about eligibility in our Guidance notes below.

Applicant Support

General and technical enquiries

If you have any general enquiries about the application process, Guidance or Application Form, including any technical enquiries about our online application process, please email our Enquiries Service at [email protected].

Access Support

Creative Scotland is committed to offering clear and accessible application processes and programmes that are open to everyone. We offer access support to disabled applicants, tailored to individual requests.

Find out more about our Access Support


Applications are closed.

For more information about the fund, please download the Guidance Notes.


The Guidance Notes are also available in Braille. If you wish to receive a copy in this format, please contact us.