2025 Portfolio Infographics

In these infographics, discover more about the portfolio.

At a glance

In these infographics, discover more about the portfolio.

£207.8 million is the total 3-year budget for the Multi-Year Funding portfolio from 2025-2028

251 is the total number of organisations in the Multi-Year Funding portfolio

141 organisations are new to Multi-Year Funding

In 2025/26, 251 organisations will receive a total of £60m rising to £74m in 2026/27 and 2027/28

Multi-Year Funding supports organisations working across all parts of Scotland, with base locations in 27 Local Authorities, up from 21 previously

35% will each be awarded up to £120k illustrating the significant increase in smaller community organisations being supported on a multi-year basis

164 organisations have an EDI focus to their work

153 organisations in the portfolio also deliver their work internationally

There is a broad spread of organisational roles across the portfolio, of the 251 organisations choosing multiple roles, 77% deliver direct to audiences all year, 31% present festivals, 27% provide production facilities for creating work, and 51% provide development support on a sectoral or place basis.

154 organisations in the portfolio work with children and young people

169 organisations produce work with a focus on a particular community or place