Open Project Funding August 2019 - March 2020

This page contains details of the Open Project Fund, which was updated in August 2019 and which ran until March 2020 - when it was closed as a result of the COVID19 pandemic.

Please note this fund is no longer open - it has been repurposed as the Open Fund.


About the Programme

This fund supports artists, groups, and creative organisations based in Scotland who are looking to apply for a wide range of artistic and creative project activity.

The types of activity that this fund will support include:

  • Projects that develop artistic and creative practice and skill
  • Projects creating new work of quality and creative ambition
  • Projects which present work to audiences, or are seeking to understand, develop and reach new audiences
  • Projects which encourage more people to take part in artistic and creative activity, and benefit people across the country.

You can read more about the sorts of things that Open Project Fund can support in the Open Project Fund guidelines.

Who can apply

The fund is open to individual artists, creative practitioners, organisations, groups and networks in the arts, screen and creative industries in Scotland.

How much can I apply for?

You can apply for any amount between £1k and £100k – and up to £150k with prior permission. Most of the money in the budget for the Open Project Fund comes from the National Lottery.

What are my chances of being awarded funding?

The fund is very popular and currently Creative Scotland receives many more applications than we are able to fund. Currently the overall success rate for all applicants is that 42% of those applying are awarded funding (based on all applications received in 2018/19).

We've produced some visuals to show the current volumes of applications we receive and the success rates for the past financial year, and you can view these here (PDF) - so before applying, check if this is the fund for you, and be realistic about your chances of success.

Latest figures