Culture Collective Fund

A fund to support a network of creative practitioners, organisations and communities.

Fund closed

Applications to this Fund have now closed.

Details of the recipients were announced on Wednesday 17 February.


The Culture Collective is a pilot programme which will establish a network of creative practitioners, organisations and communities, working together to create a positive difference locally and nationally in response to COVID-19.

The programme will focus on community engaged creative activity, supporting participatory approaches and projects where creative practitioners and communities work collaboratively. A key element of
this will be proactively responding to the impact of COVID-19, providing employment opportunities for creative practitioners and actively engaging people in shaping the future cultural life of their community.

Working collectively is central to the programme at a local and national level. Each of the supported organisations and creative practitioners will be required to collaborate with communities locally but also to work together as a national collective. With the support of a central coordinator who will oversee the programme, this includes the ongoing sharing of progress; attendance at national meetings and events; and participation in an evaluation of the pilot.

COVID-19 has already had a significant impact on the creative sector and cultural life of communities. With venues temporarily closed, events cancelled, and our social interactions restricted, opportunities for creative practitioners and audiences have shifted and, in many cases, reduced significantly. Creative Scotland’s Audience Intention Research demonstrates a strong appetite for returning to participation in creative activity, however, there is the potential that future models and levels of cultural participation may change. The creative sector will need to adapt in response. The Culture Collective provides an opportunity for organisations to explore and test new models and to learn from each other, whether this is how it provides opportunities and support to creative practitioners or how it actively engages communities in its work.

Please read the guidance document for details on eligibility.

Online Information Session

We held an information session on 12 November, targeted at organisations who may wish to apply to the fund, chaired by Karen Dick, Interim Head of Place, Partnerships and Communities.

It provided an overview to the fund, the process of application, along with a Q&A opportunity.

Download the presentation from the information session
