Crowdfunding Creativity

A pilot mentoring and match-funding scheme for those looking to embark on a crowdfunding campaign. Deadline was 2 July 2018.

Please note: the deadline for this has now passed.

Run by Creative Scotland in partnership with Paved With Gold, Crowdfunding Creativity was a pilot mentoring and match-funding scheme for those looking to embark on a crowdfunding campaign. It aimed to provide people who are working in the creative industries in Scotland with the skills and knowledge to develop their own successful crowdfunding campaigns. Over the course of the programme those selected to take part learnt not only how to develop their crowdfunding campaign but also gain key skills to help them support their creative practice.

Who can apply?

This opportunity was open to creative individuals and businesses based in Scotland and working in the arts, screen and creative industries and who are looking to embark on a crowdfunding campaign. The fund was looking for applicants with limited or no previous experience of crowdfunding.

What did it support?

We were looking to select up to seven projects for the pilot, allowing us to focus on making each one a success. Successful applicants benefited from a programme of support including workshops and one-to-one sessions that complement key milestones through their project.

In addition, they were able to access 25% match-funding from Creative Scotland for their crowdfunding campaign.

Application deadline

The first deadline for this fund was Monday 2 July 2018. A second round is scheduled for late 2019/early 2020. To be kept up to date on when the fund reopens, please sign up to our monthly enewsletter.

Programme Timescales

Those selected will be expected to attend all workshops and one-to-one sessions with full participation in the programme so please ensure you have the time, resource and capacity to undertake this development opportunity:

  • Candidates will be notified of decisions w/c 27 August 2018
  • Mentoring Programme runs from September 2018 - February 2019 with group workshops and one-to-one sessions scheduled throughout.
  • All projects to be launched by no later than 15 February 2019
  • Project documentation and write up in April 2019.


Also see the report by Paved With Gold, The Next Generation of Creative Crowdfunding - produced in partnership with Creative Scotland as an introduction to the main crowdfunding models for the creative industries and their potential uses.