Can I make two applications to the Open Fund for Individuals at the same time?

No - you can only have one application in the assessment process at any time. The assessment process means the period from submitting...

No - you can only have one application in the assessment process at any time. The assessment process means the period from submitting an application to the point when the funding decision is communicated to you. If you want to make another application to this fund, you must wait until you have received your decision from your first application before submitting your next application. If your application is unsuccessful, you can reapply once more with the same project.

If you have already been funded by the Open Fund for Individuals , you can submit one additional application for a different project or activity before you complete the first project. We consider a project to be complete when we have received and processed your End of Project Monitoring Form, including making any outstanding payments to you.

You can only have two funded Open Fund for Individuals projects at any time (including the previous version of the Open Fund for Individuals). This means that if you have been successful with two applications for separate projects/activity, you must complete at least one of them before you are eligible to make another application.