The exact relationship management arrangements are currently being defined, but clearly, with over twice as many MYF organisations as RFOs, Creative Scotland will need to implement a new approach that is tailored to the size and scope of the new programme. This is likely to prioritise most contact with those organisations who require it – for example because of particular organisational changes or challenges; or due to having particular development needs.
Arrangements for managing your relationship with Creative Scotland will be introduced through online induction sessions for all Multi-Year Organisations in the next few months. We will also be sharing a handbook with you, containing resources and guidance to support you in managing your relationship with us.
Whilst an organisation may have a main point of contact at Creative Scotland, we also want to ensure that they are able to access all parts of the organisation depending on their needs or their current activity. So, it may be that an organisation has more contact with a communications or finance colleague during some periods than with one of the staff in our artform or specialism teams.