Have successful organisations had an uplift in funding?

Multi-Year Funding is new and being introduced for the first time. It replaces the previous Regular Fund for Organisations (RFO) and some elements of project and targeted funding that were supporting organisations on an annual basis. 

Many successful organisations that were previously supported have been given a meaningful uplift of at least 30% on existing funding in year one, and for the majority, this will increase further in year 2. Some organisations that only sought modest increases in funding have been awarded the full amount requested from Year 1. 

Across the portfolio, amongst organisations that have been funded previously on a year-on-year basis (through Regular or Open Funding), the uplift in funding for year one averages 51%, increasing to an average of 86% in year two (compared to what they receive at the moment). 

Organisations with an existing regular funding relationship with Creative Scotland will receive an average uplift of 34% in 2025/26, increasing to an average of 54% from 2026/27.