Laura Mackenzie Stuart

Head of Theatre

Telephone: 0131 523 0002

Email: [email protected]

Areas of responsibility

Laura heads up the Theatre team which offers guidance to individuals and organisations seeking funding for theatre and physical performance activity, has oversight of related funding decisions, and responsibility for developing relationships more broadly across the sector.

Laura is currently working with colleagues on Creative Scotland’s International Strategy and also has responsibility for key areas of International activity including the British Council Scotland / Creative Scotland Partnership and Made in Scotland.

Background and experience

Laura has worked in business and financial administration of the arts since 1990.

From 1990 – 1998 she was Deputy Director of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the world’s largest arts festival. Particular areas of responsibility included co-ordinating the needs of over 700 companies coming from all over the world during each festival, managing the Festival Fringe Box-office and running the Sponsorship Department. Membership of the Society’s Management Committee for eight years provided a solid foundation for arts business management.

Laura joined Universal Arts as Managing Director in 1998. As the year-round representative of professional touring companies in the UK and abroad, she formed close working relationships with key UK and international governmental organisations and worked with the producers of a number of shows which were launched during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, taking them on to gain international recognition.

Whilst at Universal Arts, Laura was instrumental in the inception of Associated Independent Venue Associates bringing together industry competitors to form a cohesive advocacy and campaigning organisation. Laura was elected Chair in 2006 and remained in post until her appointment to Creative Scotland in 2011.

From May 2013 - March 2014 Laura was appointed Interim Director of Creative Development during a period of senior management re-organisation at Creative Scotland.