Telephone: 07855 973 074
Email: [email protected]
Areas of responsibility
Anne Langley OBE leads Creative Scotland's core business delivery across a range of functions including finance, funding operations, human resources, communications and governance. She is responsible for ensuring that Creative Scotland's operations provide the most efficient and effective services to further the development and success of Scotland’s arts, screen and creative industries.
Background and experience
Anne has enjoyed a varied career, working in the public, third and private sectors for organisations including the Cabinet Office, the Department for International Development, The National Trust, GE, and Dell Technologies. Her professional background spans Procurement, (she is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply), Operations, and Policy.
With expertise in leading change and transformation, risk management, crisis response and strategy development, Anne thrives in challenging environments and delivering projects that make a real difference to people's lives. She has a keen interest in sustainable development and is a Trustee of Trees for Life, an innovative rewilding organisation in the Scottish Highlands.
Awarded an OBE in 2021 for services to international development, career highlights include working on the Ebola crisis response and her time as Programme Director for Places for Growth, a major UK Government transformation programme. Anne lives in Helensburgh with David, and Corran their Westie. She is a keen cyclist and volunteers with Scottish Cycling as a ride leader and coach.