The Creativity Portal

The Creativity Portal has been developed as a partnership between Education Scotland and Creative Scotland in order to create a collaborative environment that encourages educators to place creativity at the heart of their practice.

Creativity is increasingly recognised as an essential higher order thinking skill for learning, life and work. It has an important role to play in learning and teaching, enabling Scotland's young people to develop as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

The Creativity Portal has been developed as a partnership between Education Scotland and Creative Scotland in order to create a collaborative environment that encourages educators to place creativity at the heart of their practice. It is a one-stop shop to help teachers, community learning leaders, and educators find high quality creative partnerships, case studies of good practice, the latest creativity research, online teaching resources, local creative learning contacts such as the Creative Learning Networks and direct links to the best Glow tools (Scotland’s schools intranet).

A directory of Creative Partners makes it simple for educators to make contact with creative organisations across Scotland in order to enrich young people’s learning experiences, and the Creativity Newsfeeds allow educators to receive up to the minute news and offers of creative learning opportunities from the Creative Partners.

You can explore the Creativity Portal at