Creative Scotland and Education Scotland Action Plan

Our continued partnership with Education Scotland sets out the ways in which we want to see creativity play a key role in our education system.

Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan was first published in 2013, setting out a shared vision for the importance of creativity in education and as a result we have seen growth in a shared language and common understanding of creativity and creativity skills.

The Creative Scotland and Education Scotland Action Plan continues to bring that vision to life through tangible actions, especially given the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people.

The action plan contains 3-year outcomes committing to:

  • Learners’ health and wellbeing is improved through creativity and arts experiences.
  • Learners are more confident and able to articulate their creativity skills and can apply them in all contexts.
  • High quality cultural and expressive arts experiences are more widely accessible to all learners.
  • Learners are directly influencing more of their own creative learning and creative experiences.
  • Creative approaches are further embedded in curriculum design.